Listen- Think- Wonder

Either tonight or tomorrow night i’d like you to listen to the following video. After you have finished listening, please write down some of the highlights that have stuck with you.  Next record what you think about those highlights?  What do you think they mean?  Finally record any wonderings you have about the song, record any thoughts you have about the song.  Please do this in the comment section of this post.

It’s the lyrics you should be paying attention to, not the scenery. Remember I’ve asked you to Listen- Think- Wonder….

Some of you also have some JUMP maths you need to finish for tomorrow. Ms. Ashley would like everyone to finish their learner profile sentences for tomorrow as well.

Author: jforsythe08

Living in Estonia, teaching. Being outdoors.

15 thoughts on “Listen- Think- Wonder”

  1. Listen:
    I heard that the song was mostly about going home to Green River, obviously a place of comfort. The writer knew the place well and was happy to be there.
    I think that there is an a strong connection between the writer and this place. Green River may of been a childhood home, or a cottage. It also may have been a relative’s home / cottage (e.g. Grandma and grandpa’s house).
    I wonder if Green River is a real place. It could be a real and contenting place (see above) or just a place that is a figment of imagination, perhaps somewhere the writer wished he had.


  2. My highlights of the song Green river were living in the country by the river and fishing. I wonder what he meant when he said shoe fly and when the song was produced.


  3. parts that stuck with me, the green river, the rocks skipping across the river, and the frogs croaking. I think the green river means the river is full of algae and there may be trees reflecting in the water. The rocks being skipped across the water means there are many flat rocks around the river and people skipping them. The frogs croaking suggest that a pond may come off of the river. I wonder where the river is, whether a camp is near the river, and what is the climate?


  4. the video is abaut you can do things you did and not jist forget abaut it.
    let me remember thing i love and you can walk on a river at night


  5. 1.”Take me back down where cool water flow, yeh” I think the water might be inhabited by more than just catfish, maybe inhabited also by trout, I think people might swim in the water, I think it means he wants to go back to the river.
    2.”Let me remember things I love” I think the verse is very inspirational, I think he probably did not forget things he loves, that it’s just a saying, I think it means he loves the river.
    3.”Wonder if my rope’s still hangin’ to the tree” I think maybe the rope is tied to a trap of some sort, or maybe a rope for swinging off of into the river, I think remembering something small like that proves he really wants to go back, I think it means he wonders if his rope is still hanging from the tree.
    4.”Love to kick my feet way down the shallow water” I think he sits on a dock or log when kicking in the water, or maybe he’s swimming when he kicks in the water, I think it means he likes to kick in the deepest part of the shallow water.

    I wonder who Cody is, I wonder where green river is, and I wonder how old the song is. I think the song is relaxing and awesome.


  6. – the line ” let me remember things I love” might mean that something important happened there and he forgot it but being at green river might jog his memory

    – the line about Cody jr. makes me wonder if john fogerty grew up in a place called green river and if Cody jr. said those words

    – the line ” I can hear the bullfrog callin’ me” might mean that he had a friend called the bullfrog and he heard him, or it more likely meant that he heard a bullfrog

    – the line “wonder if my ropes still hangin’ to the tree might mean that he tied a rope to a tree as a kid so he could swing on it into the water and he wonders if it’s still there

    – I wonder what flat car rider and cross-tie walkers are

    – I wonder if the animations of the dancing girls were really necessary

    I like this song, it is good


  7. To begin, this song paints many pictures in my mind. Of nice lakes, fishing, swimming, boats and parties. However, unfortunately I have not experienced many of these listed, but I enjoy picturing such. I believe I have a strong thing for that.

    About the song, I think it’s about how (whatever his name is) wishes he could return to the river (also I don’t know what the name is), possibly a childhood destination. I think in the song he is remembering the river or lake. Remembering the fishing, the boating and all the things he used to do as a child or long ago.



  8. Hi:

    Highlights that have stuck with me:
    – barefoot girls dancing in the morning light
    – come on home to green river

    What I think about these highlights:
    – barefoot girls dancing makes me think that it is a happy place. A place where family and friends all join together.
    – I think that the artist feels comfortable/safe/happy in Green River – like I feel about Hailey’s Cove. For example, in one part of the lyrics the artist says that his friend says to go explore the world, but if you get lost (you don’t feel safe or happy) you can come home to Green River.

    What do I think the highlights mean:
    – I think that Green River is a special place that very few people know about (only family and friends). It’s a small community where people enjoy themselves. I think the artist brings his family to Green River because its their home. Home is a place they feel is special/important to them.

    What I wonder about the song:
    – I wonder who the barefoot girls really are
    – I wonder if the artist really goes back to Green River (home)
    – I wonder if Green River is a real place
    – I wonder if everyone has a place where they belong and feel safe in

    What I think about the song:
    – I think it really has meaning and explains a lot about a place you enjoy being in
    – I really like this song because it’s really catchy
    – I think everyone should listen to this song and think about a place they enjoy going to


  9. The highlights that stuck with me are:
    1. ‘I can hear the bull frog callin’ me’,
    2. ‘Wonder if my ropes still hangin’ to the tree’
    3. ‘An’ if you get lost, come home to Green River’
    4. ‘Take me back down to where cool water flow, yeh’

    What I think about these highlights:
    1. I think ‘I can hear the bull frog callin’ me’ means it’s time to come home to Green River and also means he has been away too long and wants to come home.
    2. I think ‘Wonder if my ropes still hangin’ to the tree’ means if he should climb up the rope to Green River or stay where he is and not go at all.
    3. I think ‘An’ if you get lost, come home to green river’ means it’s a place that can give him comfort in and if he is lost somewhere, he can come home.
    4. I think ‘Take me back down to where cool water flow, yeh’ means when everything in his life is fast and never stops, he can come down to where the cool water flows in Green River and settle down and enjoy his real home.
    I wonder where Green River is?
    Green River is 1, 130 km long from Wyoming through Colorado and into the Colorado River.
    I wonder who Cody is?


  10. 1. “let me remember things I love” means that maybe he forgot something important and he thinks that seeing the river will help him remember them
    2. “wonder if my rope’s still hangin’ to the tree” might mean that he hung a rope there as a kid and used it to swing into the water
    3.”I can hear the bullfrog callin’ me” might mean that he has a friend he called the bullfrog and he hears him, or more likely he hears a bullfrog
    4. What are flat car riders and cross-tie walkers?
    5. I wonder if old Cody Jr. was a real person and actually said those things to John Fogerty
    6. Did John Fogerty actually live in a place called green river?


  11. 1.”let me remember things I love” Maybe this is about how john Fogerty wants to remember his childhood
    that he spent at Green river.
    2.”pick up a flat rock and skip it across Green river” This line might be about john Fogerty’s childhood and how he would skip rocks across Green river.
    3.”you’re going to find the world is smouldering.” I think this means that the world is harsher than your home.
    I wonder were Green river is. Why did john Fogerty write this song.


  12. Listen-Think-Wonder
    I think that this song is a song about all of the fun things that he did with his friends growing up.
    I think he is singing about his favourite places around the house where he was growing up.
    I think that all od the things that he is singing about are things that he loves.
    I think that the song is about what he enjoyed doing in his child hood
    But I think that some of the things that he is singing about like walking along the river road at night are when he is a little bit older maybe 13 or 14

    I’m wondering if the places he is singing about are close to his home town.
    I’m also wondering if it is some where that is very close to him or somewhere he has gone on vacation to and he enjoys being there.
    I’m wondering where the video was recorded and where he is singing about
    I’m wondering where green river is
    I’m wondering if green river is actually a place or actually a river
    Shane Sommer


  13. 1.take me down where the cool water flow. i think it means he wants to go to the river
    2.walking along the river road at night. i think it means he is going to the river
    3. I can hear the bullfrog callin me. he wants to go to green river and a bullfrog is callin him.
    4. up at codys camp i spent my days. wich means he went up to codys camp somdays
    5. with flat car riders and cross tie walkers. it means a lot of people are going to green river
    6. flat rock skip it across green river means he skips a rock across green river.


  14. “Take me back down the where cool water floow yeh” I think this line is about him wanting somone to take him down to this green river.”Let me remember things I long love” I think in this line he was taking about how he wanted to remember about the places he loved and he wanted you to let him remember them.
    “Stoppin’ at the log where cat fish bite”I think his thinking of going back to a log by the river that where lots of fish bite the line.”Walking along the river at night”this line seems like he used to walk along the river at night and is remembering how he loved it.”I can here the bull frog callin me”I think this line is about a bull frog making sounds as if he were calling him.”wonder if my rope’s still hangin’ from the tree.”love to kick my feet well down at shallow water”So when the water of the river is down he likes to go kick his feet in the water.”Shoe fly dragon get back to mother”Hes talking about dragon flys and how he woud shoe them away to there mothers.”Pick up a flat rock skip it across Green River”I think this line is about how he enjoyed picking up flat rocks and then skiping it across the river.”up at codys camp I spent my days”he camped at codys camp in all the days he spent there.I wounder if theres aligador or crocs in the river.
    the song was awesome thanks for listening!


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